"Here's some of what you'll find in my review that I don't think has been reported on elsewhere yet:
* A more detailed feature comparison between the D70, D100, Digital Rebel, and EOS-10D
* Detailed shutter lag timing results, accurate to the millisecond, including the impact on shutter lag of the wireless lighting system.
* Comparison of startup time, shutter lag, cycle time, and buffer depth between the D70, Digital Rebel, D100, and EOS-10D.
* A detailed discussion of the flash system and how the D70 and remote strobes work together.
* More detail on Nikon's new PictureProject software (I liked it more than some reviewers did, but it's clearly not intended for pro or even advanced amateur use).
* More screen shots of the camera's user interface, including essentially all Custom Settings Menu screens, and correcting at least one error in others' reporting of CSM functions."