Where time stands still: Hihokan - Erotic Museums in Japan: "Once upon a time...ah, lets be exact: In April 1971 Japan's first Hihokan which stands for 'House of Hidden Treasures' opened its doors in Awa, Okushima. However, the exhibits where limited to phallic-vulvic altar symbols and intercourse themed antiques as you could see since centuries in bigger Shinto shrines anyway.
But finally the term Hihokan got famous as the 'Original International House of Hidden Treasures' opened its doors October 1971 in Ise, Mie (about 500km south of Tokyo).
Masato Matsuno, entrepreneur and the founder of the Original International House of Hidden Treasures became an instant celebrity as 'Professor Sex' and appeared in various TV and Radio shows. In 1982 he published a book 'The Hihokan' (Tomu Shobo) where he described his obsession with collecting all things related to sex."

But finally the term Hihokan got famous as the 'Original International House of Hidden Treasures' opened its doors October 1971 in Ise, Mie (about 500km south of Tokyo).
Masato Matsuno, entrepreneur and the founder of the Original International House of Hidden Treasures became an instant celebrity as 'Professor Sex' and appeared in various TV and Radio shows. In 1982 he published a book 'The Hihokan' (Tomu Shobo) where he described his obsession with collecting all things related to sex."
