Don Lancaster's Guru's Lair: "Online tech support service for readers of microcomputer
pioneer, researcher, and prolific author Don Lancaster's ezine
columns that now include his Resource Bin, Blatant Opportunist,
GuruGrams, Tech Musings, Guru's Lair, and similar tutorials.
Along with Don's eclectic coverage for Acrobat and PostScript ,
his Incredible Secret Money Machine, his guidelines to Avoid
Patent Ripoffs, doing your own Book-on-Demand publishing, or
getting great surplus Live eBay Auctions and Test Equipment
bargains, exploring Hydrogen energy or Bezier Cubic Splines,
trashing Pseudoscience, going on a Tinaja Quest, exploring new
Magic Sinewave ventures, learning PIC Microcontrollers, or
exploring InfoPack research, superb Partnering opportunities,
Santa Claus Machines, Water Soluble Swimsuits, or Wavelets,
Books, Flutterwumpers, Fonts, and Webmastering.
Plus annotated links to many thousands of websites and related
resources. All based on the premise that if Don personally uses
them and is interested in them, others are also likely to."
jaynote: Don is Zeus amoung the geek gods. In the late 80's / early 90's his Computer Shopper columns showed how you could do DTP and graphics by writing raw postscript. He wrote the book on TTL circuits and neat things you can do with a 555 chip. Plus, a friend who met him a couple of times said he seemed like a really nice guy.
pioneer, researcher, and prolific author Don Lancaster's ezine
columns that now include his Resource Bin, Blatant Opportunist,
GuruGrams, Tech Musings, Guru's Lair, and similar tutorials.
Along with Don's eclectic coverage for Acrobat and PostScript ,
his Incredible Secret Money Machine, his guidelines to Avoid
Patent Ripoffs, doing your own Book-on-Demand publishing, or
getting great surplus Live eBay Auctions and Test Equipment
bargains, exploring Hydrogen energy or Bezier Cubic Splines,
trashing Pseudoscience, going on a Tinaja Quest, exploring new
Magic Sinewave ventures, learning PIC Microcontrollers, or
exploring InfoPack research, superb Partnering opportunities,
Santa Claus Machines, Water Soluble Swimsuits, or Wavelets,
Books, Flutterwumpers, Fonts, and Webmastering.
Plus annotated links to many thousands of websites and related
resources. All based on the premise that if Don personally uses
them and is interested in them, others are also likely to."
jaynote: Don is Zeus amoung the geek gods. In the late 80's / early 90's his Computer Shopper columns showed how you could do DTP and graphics by writing raw postscript. He wrote the book on TTL circuits and neat things you can do with a 555 chip. Plus, a friend who met him a couple of times said he seemed like a really nice guy.