Frequently Asked Questions: Project Prevention - Children Requiring a Caring Community:
"2. How does the program work?
Addicts and alcoholics hear about Project Prevention in a variety of different ways. Many social workers, probation officers, jails, drug treatment programs, methadone clinics, and police officers refer them to our toll-free phone number (1-888-30-CRACK). They call the toll free number and either leave a phone number or a mailing address. They are then mailed the appropriate forms. They take these forms to a doctor or clinic of their choice and get long-term birth control. They mail back the forms along with proof of their drug/alcohol problem. Project prevention then verifies that they did receive a type of long-term birth control and then mails them a check for $200.
3. Some say that these people are not capable of deciding on long-term birth control?
If you can not trust someone with their reproductive choices, how can you trust them with a child?
4. Are you targeting blacks?
Definitely not. It is racist, or at least ignorant, for someone to learn about our program and assume that only black addicts will be calling us. Not all drug addicts are black.
Project Prevention targets a behavior not a racial demographic. If someone is a drug addict or alcoholic and could get pregnant, then we hope they will take our cash incentive offer and get on birth control until they get off drugs."
"2. How does the program work?
Addicts and alcoholics hear about Project Prevention in a variety of different ways. Many social workers, probation officers, jails, drug treatment programs, methadone clinics, and police officers refer them to our toll-free phone number (1-888-30-CRACK). They call the toll free number and either leave a phone number or a mailing address. They are then mailed the appropriate forms. They take these forms to a doctor or clinic of their choice and get long-term birth control. They mail back the forms along with proof of their drug/alcohol problem. Project prevention then verifies that they did receive a type of long-term birth control and then mails them a check for $200.
3. Some say that these people are not capable of deciding on long-term birth control?
If you can not trust someone with their reproductive choices, how can you trust them with a child?
4. Are you targeting blacks?
Definitely not. It is racist, or at least ignorant, for someone to learn about our program and assume that only black addicts will be calling us. Not all drug addicts are black.
Project Prevention targets a behavior not a racial demographic. If someone is a drug addict or alcoholic and could get pregnant, then we hope they will take our cash incentive offer and get on birth control until they get off drugs."